Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What do I snack on?

Simply Filling or 0 points plus (you might want to double check that these are simply filling...I am pretty sure, but didn't double check)
Lemonade (see previous post)
94% FF popcorn or kettle corn
SF Bread and butter pickles
Dill pickles
Vanilla Milk (see previous post)
Crystal Light
Unsweetened applesauce (sometimes with cinnamon)
FF yogurt with splenda and fruit
FF cottage cheese
FF milk
Hard boiled eggs

1 Points plus (you might want to double check that these are 1 points plus...I am pretty sure, but didn't double check)
SF Fudgesicles
SF Jello
SF Pudding
Frozen SF pudding into popsicles
FF coolwhip
SF Crystal Light slurpees

Monday, July 30, 2012


So we just got back from an 8 day vacation.  I think I did really well at my food/activity choices.  I ate fruit or oatmeal or eggs for breakfast.

For lunch I ate lunchmeat sandwiches, fruit, salad, rice.

For dinner we had tacos, hawaiian haystacks, baked potatos.

I did splurge on the night we went to golden corral.  But I only back for a 2nd plate (not 3rds and 4ths) and desserts I tried 1 bite of a few things...but did not finish anything off.

Some other successes...the night we had pigs in a blanket and tater tots I made myself some popcorn and had grapes, oranges and bananas instead.

The morning we went out for breakfast at a pancake house I had decided to have crepes with strawberries and cool whip.  However...the wait was too long, so we went to Hardees (which is Carl's Jr. here).  Everything had bacon, sausage, cheese and biscuits I swear.  I ordered a biscuit with egg (no bacon or anything else).  Then I only ate half of the biscuit.  I was still hungry (and knew I would be when I ordered it) so I ate some fruit when we got back to the house.

The day we unexpectantly went out for pizza I was going to order a salad, but the salads were $8.  So instead I waited 30 minutes and ate a sandwich on lite bread when we got back to the house.

I ran (in the humidity) 7 miles one day, 4 miles another and went on a 2-3 mile walk on the beach one day and a 2 mile walk on the beach another day.  I tried surfing also (great ab and arm workout).

I think I made some really wise choices and I am really proud of myself.  Tomorrow I weigh in, but I expect good results (or at least not bad).

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


lemon juice
Splenda or Sweet N Low

Mix together to taste for a refreshing 0 Calorie, Simply Filling drink.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vanilla milk

FF milk (Skim milk)
a splash of vanilla (maybe 1 T or so)
some splenda or sweet n low

Mix together for a sweet snack/drink that is completely simply filling.

Spaghetti Sauce

Adapted from Food.com.  (Fresh Tomato Spaghetti Sauce by Lauralie41)


    4 lbs tomatoes
    2 T. dried onions
    2 tsp. minced garlic (from a bottle)
    4 tsp fresh basil
    1/4 C. olive oil...you could probably lower it a little bit
    1 tsp. salt
    4 tsp. parsley
    1 T. Splenda

    Boil a big pan of water.  Put tomatoes in water until skin splits open.  Remove tomatoes from water, put in cold water.  Skin will just fall right off the tomatoes.  Core tomatoes.

    Then I put the tomatoes in the blender (because I don't like chunks).   Pour tomatoe puree in a pan.  Add spices.  Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2 hours.  Let cool.  Reheat and serve over noodles.  

    I did have to add some water at the end because it was too thick for me.  I also added a lb of 93% cooked hamburger.  I think it would have been good without.  

    A little labor intensive, not too bad.  You need to start 3 or 4 hours ahead of when you wanted to eat. 

Yea for me

Today I hit my 10%.  So I have lost 16 pounds.  I have 9 more to go to get back to lifetime.  Yea for me.  My husband hit goal today.  He hit 50 pounds.  Woo hoo!  He has done really really well.  He is so diligent at tracking.  He has not gained a single week.  Wow!!!  Now he just has to maintain for 6 weeks to become lifetime.  He will do great!

9 pounds seems like a lot less than 10 or 11 that I have been stuck at for a few weeks.  I am glad, I really needed that motivation.


Spaghetti can be completely simply filling with a few preparations.

Use whole wheat noodles.

Make your own spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes.  If it needs sugar, use splenda.

You can also add 93% (or greater) browned hamburger.

You can serve with corn or any other steamed veggies and a salad with FF vinaigrette.

And make a garlic bread with lite bread, spray butter, garlic salt then broil it.

Or a variation I like is lite bread spread with FF sour cream sprinkled with paprika then broil.

Otherwise, if that is too much work (making your own spaghetti sauce) (which it usually is for me).  Just use a bottled variety and you only have to count the points for the sauce.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I love eggs as part of the simply filling program.  They are FREE!  Even for whole eggs!  I love it.

I love omelets (You can add any of the following and not count PP:  lean ham, salsa, FF cheese, onions, mushrooms, green peppers, spinach, etc...).  Then you can top it with any of the following and not count any PP: ketchup, chili sauce, steak sauce, salsa.  You can cook it in 2 tsp of healthy oil and wa-la...a great 0 point breakfast.

Or make the omelet into a scramble.

Boiled eggs make a great snack.

Egg salad sandwiches in light bread with FF mayo or miracle whip, chopped SF bread and butter pickles, celery.  Still 0 points (If doing Simply Filling).

Scrambled eggs.

Deviled eggs (with FF mayo or miracle whip and a little mustard, sprinkled with paprika).  Yum.

Fried eggs (just use 2 tsp of healthy oil with a little Salt and Pepper).  It feels so non-diety.

Eggs in potato salad.

Eggs in a green salad with other veggies and either FF salad dressing or FF cottage cheese, or 2 tsp  healthy oil and vinegar as a dressing.

I'm sure there are lots of other kinds of eggs...poached and what-not...but the ones listed above are the main ones I use.  Sometimes even while following simply filling I will do 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg (for scrambles and omelets) but not usually.

Eggs are easy, cheap and filling.  Not to mention yummy.

Hash Browns or fried potatoes

When you have leftover baked potatoes (I always make extra when I do baked potatoes) you can shred them with a cheese grater for hash browns or cube or coin them.  Just add salt and pepper and fry them on a non-stick griddle (or a frying pan) on a high heat until they are warmed through and brown and crispy on the outside.

Although for points plus you have to count points for potatoes...with simply filling you do not.

You can top with ketchup, chili sauce, steak sauce and still not have to count any points.

For some variation add any of the following eggs, chopped onion, chopped green and/or red peppers, mushrooms and you are still completely simply filling.

If you need to get your oil in for the day, add 2 tsp of healthy oil to your portion without having to add any PP.  (After 2 tsp you have to count PP).

Remember to only eat until satisfied, not full.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Jam, Butter and Peanut Butter

 Light Bread with spray butter (although you couldn't taste it) and 1 tsp. Smucker's simply fruit.  (If you go up to 1/2 T. of the jam you have to count a point plus...but 1 tsp is 0 pts. plus)

When I refer to spray butter, I always mean I can't Believe it's not Butter spray.  Which is 0 points plus for 5 sprays.

Watch out for this snack...if you really like it...you could overindulge.  But if you can limit yourself to 1 serving then it is a good sweet snack...but it will not fill you up...as a warning.  Get to know your limits.

As I looked up the points plus for this to see if it is considered simply filling (which it's not...but it's 0 pts plus for 1 tsp), I saw that Polaner brand sugar free jelly's and preserves are 0 pts plus for 1 T.  I will have to look for them.

I also saw that Promise fat free spread is 0 pts plus for 1 T.  I will have to look for that also.

Then under peanut butter (which is my worst weakness...I LOVE IT!) I see that Better'n Peanut Butter (which I know they sell at the health food store) is 2 points plus for 2 T.  Which is a lot better than 5 points plus for regular peanut butter.  There is also a powdered peanut butter (also at health food stores) called PB2 which I believe is 2 pts plus for 2 T (double check me on that one).  I haven't tried either, but have heard that they are a good alternative.  I'll have to let you know.  I also see one listed called Peanut Wonder (which I have never heard of) which is 2 points plus for 2 T. and the best (or worst---because I might overindulge) is Walden Farms Peanut Spread is 0 points plus for 2 T.  Is that a typo?  0 points plus!!! Really?!?!?!

If I got the 0 point jam and the 0 point peanut butter and the light bread I could have a peanut butter sandwich without counting points (because I am doing simply filling).  I don't know...that might be too much for me and I might not be able to stop at one sandwich.

Orange-Banana Smoothie

1 orange,  peeled
1 banana, peeled
FF milk and /or FF yogurt
approx 1 T. vanilla (optional)
A little splenda (maybe 1 or 2 T?) (optional)

Blend above ingredients.   Add a large cup of ice and blend until smooth.

I often have this for a snack, but today I had it for breakfast.  You can also do it with just banana.  Or other types of fruits.  I haven't had a lot of luck with apples.  But anything else...strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc...

You can add a handful of any greens (spinach, kale, etc), but no lettuce...it changes the color, but you really can't taste it hardly at all.  And it adds a lot of nutritional value.

The above ingredients are completely simply filling.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

7-11 slurpee

7-11 has these crystal light sugar free slurpees.  They are awesome.  They are rotating through different flavors... it started out as mango and now it is strawberry-banana.  The small size is only 1 pt plus.

They do have aspartame (splenda) which can irritate some people's stomach..so if you're sensitive to it...watch out.  I can have some splenda, but not bigger than a small slurpee.

Bean and Bacon on Toast

(I didn't have all of the toppings the night of the picture...but it was still good)

Light Bread, toasted
Campbell's Bean N Bacon Condensed soup, reconstituted (2 pts plus for 1/2 C...once reconstituted)
FF yogurt or FF sour cream
FF cheese

Toast your bread.  Add water to soup.  Heat your soup.  Pour soup over toast.  Top with other toppings.

Light bread and all toppings listed are Simply filling (Except the soup).

Tuna fish

Tuna (packed in water), drained
FF Mayo or FF miracle whip
Sugar Free bread and butter pickle chips (0 points)
Light Bread

This makes a great sandwich that is completely simply filling.  You could also add FF cheese if desired.  Toasted (under broil) tuna sandwiches are also good.  You would probably leave off the lettuce and pickles until after it was toasted.