Monday, July 30, 2012


So we just got back from an 8 day vacation.  I think I did really well at my food/activity choices.  I ate fruit or oatmeal or eggs for breakfast.

For lunch I ate lunchmeat sandwiches, fruit, salad, rice.

For dinner we had tacos, hawaiian haystacks, baked potatos.

I did splurge on the night we went to golden corral.  But I only back for a 2nd plate (not 3rds and 4ths) and desserts I tried 1 bite of a few things...but did not finish anything off.

Some other successes...the night we had pigs in a blanket and tater tots I made myself some popcorn and had grapes, oranges and bananas instead.

The morning we went out for breakfast at a pancake house I had decided to have crepes with strawberries and cool whip.  However...the wait was too long, so we went to Hardees (which is Carl's Jr. here).  Everything had bacon, sausage, cheese and biscuits I swear.  I ordered a biscuit with egg (no bacon or anything else).  Then I only ate half of the biscuit.  I was still hungry (and knew I would be when I ordered it) so I ate some fruit when we got back to the house.

The day we unexpectantly went out for pizza I was going to order a salad, but the salads were $8.  So instead I waited 30 minutes and ate a sandwich on lite bread when we got back to the house.

I ran (in the humidity) 7 miles one day, 4 miles another and went on a 2-3 mile walk on the beach one day and a 2 mile walk on the beach another day.  I tried surfing also (great ab and arm workout).

I think I made some really wise choices and I am really proud of myself.  Tomorrow I weigh in, but I expect good results (or at least not bad).

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